Get in touch

Simply fill in the form to contact us and our team will get back to you shortly.

Phone: (02) 9361-1400

Address: Chant West Suite 1503, Level 15, 45 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000

Email: [email protected]

For Super Fund enquiries


Ian Fryer

General Manager

Level 15, 45 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 9361 1400

Corné Van Der Merwe

Client Service Associate

Level 15, 45 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 9361 1400

For Financial Adviser enquiries

Doug Hope

Doug Hope

Business Development Manager

Level 15
45 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000

0429 443 790

Ben Amato

Ben Amato

Account Manager 

Level 15
45 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000




For Datafeed & Technology Partner enquiries

Jim Wang

Jim Wang

Business Development Manager

Level 15, 45 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000

0402 901 038


Disclaimer: ©Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 (Chant West), Authorised Representative of Zenith Investment Partners Pty Ltd ABN 27 103 132 672, AFSL 226872 under AFS Representative Number 1280401, 2023. This website is only intended for use by Australian residents and is subject to use in accordance with Chant West’s Terms of Use and should be read with Chant West’s Financial Services Guide. Products, reports, ratings (Information) are based on data which may be sourced from a third party and may not contain all the information required to evaluate the nominated product providers, you are responsible for obtaining further information as required. To the extent that any Information provided is advice, it is General Advice (s766B Corporations Act). Individuals should seek their own independent financial advice and consider the appropriateness of any financial product in light of their own circumstances and needs before making any investment decision. Chant West has not taken into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person who may access or use the Information provided including target markets of financial products, where applicable. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product(s) and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Individuals should consider the appropriateness of any advice in light of their own objectives, financial situations or needs and should obtain a copy of and consider any relevant PDS or offer document before making any decision. Information is provided in good faith and is believed to be accurate, however, no representation, warranty or undertaking is provided in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the Information. Information provided is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, modified or distributed without the consent of the copyright owner. Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Chant West does not accept any liability whether direct or indirect, arising from use of the Information. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Chant West ratings and research are prepared by Chant West and are not connected in any way to research and ratings prepared by any of our related entities.
