About the Chant West Super Fund Awards

    Showcasing best practice in the super industry

    Our 13th annual superannuation and pension awards will celebrate Australia’s best funds at a black tie event at the Hyatt Regency, Sydney, on Wednesday 21 May 2025. 

    The Chant West Super Fund Awards recognise excellence across 14 award categories, including the newest award category, Best Fund: Digital Advice. Tickets are now on sale so secure your spot today.

    The awards showcase industry best practice to help lift standards across the industry and improve member outcomes, celebrating the achievements of funds for the work they're doing in important areas like investments, member services, advice and insurance.

    The theme of this year’s awards is ‘Building a better retirement system'.

    Australia has a world-class superannuation system for accumulation, but what’s required to move towards a world class system for retirement? Helping members along the journey into and through retirement is a complex task – doing retirement well is much harder than doing accumulation well. As an industry, we need to evolve to do this better - from a superannuation system to a retirement system. We need to build better retiree education and tools, more accessible and targeted financial advice and guidance, and fit-for-purpose retirement products and investments that are tailored for retirees.

    This year’s awards will celebrate those funds which are embracing the necessary innovation, critical thinking and change required to ensure more Australians enjoy a financially secure retirement.

    We're proud to have the continuing support of AIA Australia* as our major sponsor, and look forward to Mary Delahunty, CEO of ASFA, joining us as MC and guest speaker for the night. This year, we're pleased to welcome a new awards sponsor, specialist law firm, Gilbert + Tobin.

    For awards related enquiries, contact us at [email protected].

Our MC & Guest Presenter

Mary Delahunty is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA).

ASFA is the peak policy, research and advocacy body for Australia’s superannuation industry. It is a not-for-profit, sector-neutral, and non-party political, national organisation. ASFA’s mission is to continuously improve the superannuation system, so all Australians can enjoy a dignified retirement.

Mary joined ASFA in 2024 after founding Seven Advisory, a specialist ESG and impact advisory service to institutional investors developing their social license to deliver long-term value. Prior to that Mary was Head of Impact at HESTA where she played a key role in shaping strategic policies and responsible investment practices to advance member outcomes in the superannuation system. She was also previously an executive with Link Market Services.

Mary is a member of the Pensions & Investment World Pension Summit International Advisory Board and holds several board positions including in the RegTech and education sectors and was a 2015 Churchill Fellow awarded for international research on gender equity in retirement outcomes.

Mary studied Arts at the University of Melbourne, and later completed a Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning and then a Masters of Applied Finance. 

Our Major Sponsor

Our Minor Sponsor

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*AIA is currently a subscriber to Chant West Research services. Sponsorship of the Chant West Super Fund Awards 2024 is independent of this relationship and is managed under the strict guidelines outlined in the  Zenith Group Conflict of Interest Policy


**Jeremy Cooper is a Non-Executive Director of Bennelong Funds Management (Bennelong). Bennelong’s boutique fund managers are rated by Zenith Investment Partners. Jeremy Cooper’s involvement in the Chant West Super Fund Awards 2024 is accepted under the strict guidelines outlined in the Zenith Group Conflict of Interest Policy.
