Chant West Super Fund Ratings


5 Apples – Highest Quality is the highest Chant West rating for a super fund. To earn 5 apples, a super fund must have scored highly across most of our key areas of assessment which include investments, member services, fees, insurance and organisation.

4 Apples – High Quality is the second highest Chant West rating for a super fund. To earn 4 apples, a super fund must have scored highly across some of our key areas of assessment which include investments, member services, fees, insurance and organisation.

3 Apples – Fair Quality is the third highest Chant West rating for a super fund. To earn 3 apples, a super fund must have scored at least moderately across most of our key areas of assessment which include investments, member services, fees, insurance and organisation, with areas of potential improvement identified.

Our methodology

The rating takes five main criteria into account: investments, member services, fees, insurance and organisation. See our methodology here.

The below table shows the 2025 fund ratings, noting that fund level data is effective as at 30 June 2024, excluding Care Super which is effective as at 31 December 2024.

Rating Fund Name Type of Fund Fund Assets ($) Fund Members Website
AMP SignatureSuper - Signature Protection Corporate Master Trust 53.1 billion 612,000
AMP SignatureSuper Personal - Essential Protection Retail Master Trust 53.1 billion 612,000
AMP SignatureSuper Personal - Super Protection Retail Master Trust 53.1 billion 612,000
ANZ Smart Choice Retail Master Trust 23.6 billion 333,000
ANZ Smart Choice Super for employers and their employees Corporate Master Trust 23.6 billion 333,000
Australian Ethical Retail Super Fund Retail Master Trust 8.3 billion 127,000
Australian Retirement Trust - QSuper - Accumulation Public Sector Fund 113.7 billion 700,000
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Accumulation Industry Fund 154.4 billion 1,755,000
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Business Industry Fund 154.4 billion 1,755,000
Australian Retirement Trust - Super Savings - Corporate Industry Fund 154.4 billion 1,755,000
AustralianSuper Industry Fund 341.5 billion 3,422,000
Aware Super Future Saver Public Sector Fund 176.9 billion 1,227,000
Bendigo SmartStart Super Personal Wrap Account 1.5 billion 18,000
Brighter Super - Casuals Public Sector Fund 31.2 billion 209,700
Brighter Super Accumulation Public Sector Fund 31.2 billion 209,700
BUSSQ MySuper Industry Fund 6.7 billion 74,000
BUSSQ Premium Choice Industry Fund 6.7 billion 74,000
CareSuper Industry Fund 59.1 billion 591,084
Catholic Super Industry Fund 11.5 billion 67,000
CBUS Industry Fund 91.9 billion 923,000
CBUS Electech Industry Fund 91.9 billion 923,000
CBUS Sole Traders Industry Fund 91.9 billion 923,000
CFS FirstChoice Employer Super Corporate Master Trust 15.8 billion 224,000
CFS FirstChoice Wholesale Personal Super Retail Master Trust 80.4 billion 392,000
Equip MyFuture Industry Fund 33.1 billion 146,000
Essential Super Retail Master Trust 5.4 billion 130,000
HESTA Industry Fund 85 billion 1,076,000
Hostplus Industry Fund 113.8 billion 2,123,000
Hostplus Executive Industry Fund 113.8 billion 2,123,000
IOOF Employer Super - Choice Wrap Account 9.5 billion 106,000
IOOF Employer Super - MySuper Wrap Account 9.5 billion 106,000
Mercer Business Super Corporate Master Trust 17 billion 258,000
Mercer SmartSuper Retail Master Trust 7.8 billion 162,000
Mercer SmartSuper Plan - Employer Section Corporate Master Trust 40.6 billion 322,000
Mercer SmartSuper Plan - Individual Section Retail Master Trust 40.6 billion 322,000
MLC MasterKey Business Super Corporate Master Trust 24.8 billion 380,000
MLC MasterKey Personal Super Retail Master Trust 24.8 billion 380,000
MLC MasterKey Super Fundamentals Retail Master Trust 23.7 billion 169,000
NGS Super Industry Fund 15.1 billion 115,000
OnePath OneAnswer Frontier Super (Group Cover) Retail Master Trust 9 billion 45,000
Plum Super Fund - Personal Retail Master Trust 32.7 billion 174,000
Rest Corporate Industry Fund 85.5 billion 2,085,000
Rest Super Industry Fund 85.5 billion 2,085,000
Russell iQ Super - Employer Corporate Master Trust 11.3 billion 86,000
Russell iQ Super - For Life Retail Master Trust 11.3 billion 86,000
Super SA - Triple S Public Sector Fund 35.3 billion 203,000
Team Super (Mining Division) Industry Fund 13.5 billion 60,000
TelstraSuper Casuals Corporate Fund 26.1 billion 99,000
TelstraSuper Corporate Plus Corporate Fund 26.1 billion 99,000
TelstraSuper Personal Plus Corporate Fund 26.1 billion 99,000
UniSuper Accumulation 1 Industry Fund 137.9 billion 680,000
UniSuper Accumulation 2 Industry Fund 137.9 billion 680,000
UniSuper Personal Account Industry Fund 137.9 billion 680,000
Virgin Money Super Retail Master Trust 0.8 billion 17,965

Chant West Fund Rating

A Chant West rating sums up our view on the merits of a particular fund from a member’s perspective and this overall rating offers a starting point for a member or their adviser on their fund selection journey. 

Funds are assigned a rating from 5 Apples (Highest Quality Fund) to 3 Apples (Fair Quality Fund). The ratings relate to what we regard as industry best practice and are based on criteria established through our extensive research and consulting in the superannuation industry over more than 20 years.

To rate a fund, we use research data provided by the fund on a range of areas including the organisation, multi-manager investments, fees, insurance, and member services. We also meet with key fund staff to gain further insights.

Learn more about our Methodology

Disclaimer: ©Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 (Chant West), Authorised Representative of Zenith Investment Partners Pty Ltd ABN 27 103 132 672, AFSL 226872 under AFS Representative Number 1280401, 2023. This website is only intended for use by Australian residents and is subject to use in accordance with Chant West’s Terms of Use and should be read with Chant West’s Financial Services Guide. Products, reports, ratings (Information) are based on data which may be sourced from a third party and may not contain all the information required to evaluate the nominated product providers, you are responsible for obtaining further information as required. To the extent that any Information provided is advice, it is General Advice (s766B Corporations Act). Individuals should seek their own independent financial advice and consider the appropriateness of any financial product in light of their own circumstances and needs before making any investment decision. Chant West has not taken into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person who may access or use the Information provided including target markets of financial products, where applicable. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product(s) and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. Individuals should consider the appropriateness of any advice in light of their own objectives, financial situations or needs and should obtain a copy of and consider any relevant PDS or offer document before making any decision. Information is provided in good faith and is believed to be accurate, however, no representation, warranty or undertaking is provided in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the Information. Information provided is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced, modified or distributed without the consent of the copyright owner. Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Chant West does not accept any liability whether direct or indirect, arising from use of the Information. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Chant West ratings and research are prepared by Chant West and are not connected in any way to research and ratings prepared by any of our related entities.
